Custom Built Guitars in Michigan
If you want a handmade, high-quality guitar that is perfect for how you play, look no further. Our Master Luthier, Gene Hansen, has been designing and crafting guitars for over 10 years, and always adds his personal touch to each guitar that is created. Ainesis guitars are designed and hand-crafted right onsite. The wood used to craft the guitars features locally harvested and reclaimed woods coming right from Michigan forests, such as Maple, Wild Cherry, Ash, and Walnut.
Gene can craft just about any guitar you are looking for. If it is an electric guitar, we offer GT Standard, GT Standard II, GT CLassic, GT Classic II, and HEB Hollow Body Electric. If it is an acoustic guitar you are after, we can customize an Arcadia A/E, Arcadia A/E 14, and Arcadia OOO-14. Finally, we offer bass guitars including Manitou LS, Manitou Short Scale, and Manitou XSS. Whether it is an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar, or a bass, we’ve got you covered.
At Ainesis, we invest not just our time, but our passion and care. Gene makes each guitar and bass with extreme attention to detail and the highest of standards. Plus, since we make our guitars right in our store, your guitar can be uniquely designed. Have a conversation with us and decide which woods, inlays, finishes, and colors would look best for your own personal guitar. We want to ensure complete satisfaction, so every detail is considered and every minute spent on its creation is full of care and precision.
GT, HBE Series Electric Guitars
Arcadia Acoustic Guitars
Arcadia OOO-14

Arcadia A/E-14

Arcadia A/E

Manitou Bass Guitars
Long Scale 34″ LS-4

Long Scale 34″ LS-5

Short Scale 30.5″ SS-4

Short Scale 30.5″ SS-5 Bay Burst

Extra Short Scale 24″ XSS-4

Extra Short Scale 24″ XSS-5

Standard color options

Shop By Series
GT Standard • GT Classic • HBE Hollow Body Electric • Arcadia A/E • Manitou LS • Manitou Short Scale • Manitou XSS